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Howard Buck

Director and Consulting Actuary

Qualifications: BSc, FASSA 


Howard obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science from the University of Cape Town in 1981. He went on to complete his actuarial studies, being admitted as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries and as a Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa in 1994.


​He worked for Old Mutual from 1982 to 1998. In 1996 he was appointed a Director of Old Mutual Actuaries & Consultants to head up the Johannesburg office and provide strategic consultancy and actuarial advice to retirement fund clients.


Howard resigned from Old Mutual Actuaries & Consultants on 1 April 1998 to help establish Fifth Quadrant Actuaries & Consultants (which through a series of mergers and acquisitions became Willis Towers Watson). He was the Line of Business Leader for the Retirement Business (including their umbrella fund offering) within Willis Towers Watson. He also provided actuarial and consulting advice to retirement funds and other stakeholders in the corporate, bargaining council, municipal and parastatal sectors, including funds such as the Government Employees Pension Fund, the Transnet Retirement Fund and the eJoburg Retirement Fund .


Howard resigned from Willis Towers Watson to be a founding director of Keystone Actuarial Solutions on 1 October 2017.


He is approved as a valuator and as a liquidator by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority and holds a practicing certificate from the Actuarial Society of South Africa.


His professional interests lie in improving the governance of retirement funds and negotiating change in the best interests of fund members and pensioners.


Direct line: +2710 900 4624

E-mail: [email protected]

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